Friday 21 August 2015

Easy Ways To Wake Up, Feel Awesome, And Stay Positive for a day

Have you ever spent a night in fitful sleep, had disturbing dreams or just awakened at 3 am with a mind so active you had to take a sleeping pill? Or are those just redundant questions?

Oh, yes, you’ve been there. The thought of getting up is a real downer. You try to roll out of bed with a dry mouth and a body that does not want to move in any direction. Sitting up takes way too much effort.

Is this any way to greet the world? Is this your best face, your sharpest mind, or your most presentable body? You simply feel like the ogre in the movie Shrek. Grumpy describes your attitude and that’s not a good look.

How could you feel any other way? There was unfinished business at the office yesterday, a relationship that is on the rocks, children who are not doing their homework, or a PTA meeting that you really don’t want to attend. There is soccer practice, a piano recital and your resolve to get to the gym is thwarted by a lunch meeting the boss called. Sounds like a prescription to go back to bed.

So let’s change this picture. Here are 25 ways to wake up positive and stay happy, stress free, and energized with creative fervor all day every day.

1. Don’t Move A Muscle

Lie still. Ease into the present slowly. Let your mind and body connect without jarring movements.

2. Try to Remember Your Dreams

Most people will say they cannot remember their dreams or that they don’t dream at all. We all dream multiple times during the night. You can train your mind to remember your dreams by lying absolutely still without thought. Dreams reflect our unconscious feelings. It’s worth paying attention to your unconscious emotional state. You might be enlightened.

3. Consider What Makes You Happy

Choose 3 things that make you happy. Turn up the corners of your mouth into a big smile. Your happy thoughts will be forefront in your consciousness all day long.

4. Relax Your Body

It’s natural when you first wake up to think you feel relaxed but you might not actually be relaxed. We tense up at night and we might still be tense when we begin to wake up. Consciously bring your body to a state of complete relaxation.

5. Meditate

Waking up the body is different for everyone. Some bodies and minds wake up more quickly than others, but a great way to enter the present is with an intention to meditate. If thoughts are running amok, try to clear your mind. Slowly roll out of bed and sit on a pillow, back against the wall and spend time (at the beginning 2 – 5 minutes) sitting quietly.

6. Align Your Energy

A straight spine is essential for meditating because it aligns your spine so energy can move through your body unobstructed. Shrug your shoulders back and feel your sit bones rooting. Note your body’s stillness.

7. Don’t Think

Meditation is not complicated. It is a process intended to let your thoughts go. You will have thoughts even with your intention not to think, but if you can’t stop, what is most important is not to attach any emotion to the thoughts.

8. Breathe

If your mind becomes active, focus your attention on your breathing. Extend the breath and you will continue to be in a peaceful state.

9. Focus On Breathing

Find your breath interesting. After all, breathing is the essential ingredient for staying alive. It is your life force so honor it with attention.

10. Have An Attitude of Gratitude

Your inner clock will begin to nudge you. It’s at this moment that you begin the gratitude phase of waking up: name 5 things you are grateful for and smile.

11. Get Rid of the Negative

Having negative thoughts at the beginning of your day is a definitely a bad risk for your well-being. Your brain wants to go into negative mode first. It’s human nature to dwell on the negative. Resist the negative and shift focus to what is positive about your day and your life.

12. Don’t Attach

Don’t attach to thoughts when you wake up. You’ve got the whole day to do that. Attachment fosters illusion rather than reality and causes stress and anxiety.

13. Let Your Most Pressing Issue Go

The most pressing issue of your day will be in the forefront of your brain. Is it positive or negative? If it is negative, put a positive spin on it. You can turn any negative into a positive.

14. Stay Relaxed

Your thoughts manifest in your mind and body. Notice how your body tenses with uncomfortable issues. Relax your body by taking a very deep breath and let the breath out slowly. Shrug your shoulders back and open your heart.

15. Think Yes Instead of No

No means resistance is at work. Yes means possibilities and opportunities. Yes means being strong and willing to cross over a mental threshold and be surprised.

16. Stay Present

Make an intention to stay present during the day. If you think future or past thoughts, reconnect with the present moment. The power of the day is in the now.

17. Eliminate Something From Your Day

Make an intention to eliminate something superfluous from your day. Make it a practice to give up something daily. Non-attachment and is good for the soul.

18. Be With Happy People

Make an intention to surround yourself with joyful, happy people during the day. Walk away from energy drains – people, places and things that stand in the way of your happiness and keep you stuck in the quicksand of the day.

19. Take On Positive Pursuits

Invest in positive pursuits during the day. Keep the negatives away. If you are lacking in positive energy, negative energy will go after you. Do something that brings joy into your life. Go to the gym, eat a healthy lunch or call someone and acknowledge the gift of that person’s friendship.

20. Stay off One Social Media A Day

Eliminate one social media outlet a day. Stay off Facebook or Twitter and rely on your own energy to keep you positive.

21. Be Mindful At All Times

Take time for self-reflection. Assess how you feel inside yourself. Self-reflection is like taking your emotional and spiritual temperature. You don’t need to know how things work or understand the meaning of life. Life just is. Live it.

22. Give No Excuses, No Blame

It’s human nature to make excuses and to apply blame when things are not going well. Make an intention to take full responsibility for what you do every day.

23. Embrace Daily Challenges

Life is an opportunity – it’s an opportunity to be the best that you can be. If you are thirsty, drink; if you are hungry, eat. Every thing you do has meaning and purpose and affects your creativity.

24. Exercise

Daily exercise promotes positive attitudes. Your neurotransmitters will be sparking away all day. Exercise in the morning – that morning walk is also meditative – noontime or evening. But do at least 20 minutes daily for good heart health.

25. Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes, turn on some favorite music, dance into the kitchen and make a great breakfast.

Dive into the day with positive energy and full consciousness and greet your day as a gift to cherish. Your life will take on new meaning.

Some Easy Ideas to Increase Your Productivity

I’m sure you’ve all heard this phase many times through the years: I wish she/he would be more productive.

It might have come from a husband, wife, employer, manager, teacher or a mentor.

Productivity is an all purpose word for getting a lot done.

It can be as simple as a housewife paying the bill on time, or a husband fixing the roof before the seasonal rains, or a school age child studying consistently before a test.

What ties the examples together is that these people are doing something productive.

The definition of productivity usually means a measure of the efficiency of a person or company. To put it another way: ratio of outputs to inputs used in the production process.

Or it can also mean how much effort the ordinary person applies to a task or group of tasks and how efficiently and effective that work gets accomplished.

Katharine Hepburn said:

“If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior.”

If we are truly honest, everyone can benefit from a change in attitude and, therefore, a change behaviour. We all want to be the best that we can be, to be the most productive we can be and we want to make ourselves and everyone else happy.

The following are 20 easy lessons will increase your productivity:

1. Make an appointment with yourself every day.

It’s hard to get going in the morning and have clarity.

So the key to being productive every day is to make an intention the night before to schedule an appointment with yourself first thing in the morning to assess what has to be accomplished that day.

2. Organize, organize, and then organize.

Organizing is sorting through the most important items and prioritizing what you have to do throughout the day.

Segment your tasks – an hour here, two hours there and make an intention to complete each task completely before starting the next.

3. Get rid of the distractions immediately.

Removing distractions from your immediate environment  – the TV, radio, computer, iPad/tablet, and most of all, your smart phone – helps you completely focus on accomplishing the day’s tasks.

Clear the decks.

Don’t let interruptions run your life – people, places and things get in the way of clear thinking and direct communication.

4. Set ground rules.

Setting ground rules begin with the intention to establish distance from yourself and see what’s in front of you.

Step outside yourself and ask the right questions.

Then you can do the most important work with efficiency and focus.

5. Turn on awareness.

Getting rid of distractions and setting ground rules gives you full opportunity to stay 100% present in your environment. That’s when you are most productive. The present moment tells you everything you need to know about where to go next.

6. Get to know yourself.

The key to being the best in work and in life is to know yourself.  Self-knowledge, leads to authenticity.

An authentic person is one who knows the importance of balanced energy, creativity, and the ability to face challenges with calm insight.

7. Recognize your vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability means to be openly, emotionally honest.

Getting in touch with your own emotional palate can lead to a more productive and creative life.

Recognizing vulnerability also expands your imagination and increase openness to new ideas.


8. Have confidence in everything you do.

A confident person is one who knows his/her strengths and weakness and how to minimize the negative aspect of life.

Can you do the task, complete the job or get things ready on time?

The answer is always yes because the positive responses lead to greater productivity.

9. Move your body, move your mind.

After you meet up with your mind and prioritize tasks, meet up with your body and move the energy around by breathing deeply.

Keep a straight spine for balanced energy.

Stretch when you feel like it and your mind and body will fully connect.

10. Expect excellence of yourself.

The mantra of excellence is: if you are going to do something, do with the idea that you are excelling beyond what is expected, with an intention toward quality – one perfect stich at a time.

When you expect that of yourself, others will notice.

11. Be enthusiastic.

A generous amount of enthusiasm increases your productivity as well as the joyful quality of your life.

Enthusiasm is infectious and people will begin to gravitate towards you.

12. Offer encouragement to yourself and others.

Whether is it the home or work environment everyone wants to be supported by the encouragement of other people.

Productivity increases when you feel appreciated and when you appreciate yourself.

You’ll be the rock star you were meant to be.

13. Own your work.

When you set the stage for being productive, you take on the challenge of owning your work with purpose and joy.

No matter the task – difficult, challenging or easy – stay present within the boundaries of your determination.

Show up and bring all of who you are to every project or task you do.

14. Make sure you have an abundance of gratitude.

Whether you are doing things you like or dislike, have an attitude of gratitude.

Especially give gratitude for the activities that disappoint or are negative.

Often the negatives provide the learning experiences for increasing productivity.

15. Manage your work and life with healthy habits.

Successful, productive people have one thing in common: they manage their time habitually, throughout the day, week and year. Healthy habits increase productivity.

Identify learned behaviors that need adjustment, determine your assets and strengths, and put your problems into context.

16. Prepare for everything, even small things.

Preparation increases productivity.

The more you learn about yourself or your business, the more ownership and excitement you’ll develop over time.

You’ll begin to feel more confident, and confidence will increase productivity.

17. Influence others.

The way to influence others is to lead by example.

If your life is productive and your attitude is positive and joyful, if you have the ability to turn the negative into a positive, others will see you as a role model for living a healthy and balanced life.

18. Make sure everyone is taken care of first to prevent interruptions.

Sometimes it is necessary to take care of interactions or other business in your environment before getting started with a task or a project in the home or at work.

Clearing the decks will make you more productive and more consciously focused.

19. Experiment with your life – don’t get stuck in the comfort zone.

Comfort zones feel good. But why is it so important all the time to know what to expect?

Being stuck in your routine creates a lack of stimulation and enthusiasm.

Do one thing a day that challenges you and your productivity will soar.

20. Meditate 10 minutes a day and your productivity and will soar.

Calm the mind with meditation – over time you will see subtle changes in behaviour – increased clarity of thought and a more pro-active and attitude about your life.

Getting a lot done in a day is terrific; but completing tasks with an attitude that great habits can translate into excellence brings greater accomplishment and joy throughout your lifetime.

Saturday 1 August 2015

The most common characteristics men look for and hope to find in a woman. Men want a woman who? ...

what the seven most common characteristics men look for and hope to find in a woman. Men want a woman who...

1. Is confident in her own skin
There is nothing more attractive and sexy to a man that a strong, confident and secure woman. This type of woman has done her inner work. She feels good about who she is and is comfortable in her own skin. She does not have to be gorgeous, rich and famous, but she does have to live her life from a place of meaning and purpose. That purpose can be anything as long as it means something to her. She is the type of woman that has not waited around for Prince Charming to rescue and build a life for her. Instead she created her own personal kingdom. As Mr. Right comes along, she finds a way to merge their worlds without giving up everything she has created. This means she does not drop her friends, family and life purpose simply to become a part of his world. She knows how to blend the two without losing herself.

2. Knows what she wants
When a woman is clear on what she wants, she does not waste time with situations or people that do not fit into that model. Men are attracted to this because they want to know up front if they are a contender. When a man encounters a wishy-washy woman who is not sure what she wants, it signals to him that she does not know who she is and because of that may end up not wanting him next week, next month or next year.

3. Clearly communicates
In general, men are not natural communicators. Therefore, they want a woman who speaks to them in a concise and straightforward manner when it comes to expressing her needs. They want to avoid navigating through a woman's feelings in order to interpret what she's saying. He likes it when she directly tells him what she wants and how he can best deliver it. His goal is to make her happy and when he has the information on how to accomplish that, he feels more confident that he can do it.

4. Respects and admires him
A man wants to be able to feel like he's the man and that the woman in his life thinks he is the greatest. He wants her to respect him for who he is, not what he does or how much money he makes. The bottom line is that men who are emotionally healthy are not looking to be with a woman who emasculates, bosses or controls them. These men are looking for a woman who will treat them well and with respect and admiration.

5. Does not need him but desires him
Throughout history, men have fought wars and built empires. However, they have done it on their own terms. When a man feels a woman needs him out of desperation, he questions her real interests. However, when a woman does not need a man but desires him, he knows she wants him for who he is rather than what he can do for her.

6. Is drama, manipulation, and pressure-free
Men do not want emotional drama queens who use their feminine wiles to manipulate them out of their time or money. Dealing with emotional outbursts, sneaky ways and pushiness does not go over well in the long run with a man. He wants a woman who is emotionally stable and authentic in both her words and actions. He is not looking for a spoiled little girl who is ill-equipped to handle the ups and downs of life; he is looking for a woman.

7. Likes and wants sex
Yes, it's true! Men want a woman who is comfortable with her sexuality, enjoys sex with him and is not afraid to let him know. A man looks for a woman who will positively respond to his desire for her instead of rejecting him. This is especially true when he is looking for a wife, as men do not want to sign up for a lifetime of bad or dispassionate sex.

Although men and women are different in how we think, communicate and express our emotions, one thing that's true for all of us is that we desire to love and be loved.
Understanding gender differences is vital, but so is knowing that when it comes to finding a partner, the core basics apply to everyone. We are all looking for a mate to be a loving and supportive friend, confidant and lover who will be with us through thick and thin as we walk through life.

Monday 29 June 2015

Some Qualities Women Expecting in Their Men

There are certain qualities in men that women absolutely dig.

it's not just about being tall, dark and handsome. there are certain 'manly' qualities about guys that can make any woman go weak in her knees. and while you may think it's all about the looks, guess what? there's more. it's a potent mix of both, physical attributes and of course, that all important emotional touch. here, we tell you about six points you need to heed.