Friday 19 June 2015

15 Useful home remedies for get soft pink lips

15 Useful home remedies for get soft pink lips

  1. To get soft lips ensure that you exfoliate your lips at least twice a week. Dab you finger in water, then dip in sugar and exfoliate your lips by rubbing sugar on them. Wipe the sugar off the lips and you apply a lip balm.
  1. Apply lip balm in the night before sleeping and leave overnight. Wake up to soft pink lips.Avoid lips balms with dyes and artificial ingredients. Always opt for those with natural ingredients.
  1. Use a soft bristle brush with a bit of toothpaste and make round circular motions to get rid of dry skin and give a plumping effect. This takes off the dead skin and makes the lips look soft
  1. Use a balm with a pink tinge and leave overnight to tint the lips a bit giving you pink lips
  1. Drink lots of water and take juices with vitamin C as dehydration can also cause lack of luster on lips. Water or juices hydrates the body, nourishes the skin and aids new cell growth. Dry lips are also one of the signs that the body is not getting properly hydrated.
  1. Use honey as a natural alternative to lip balms. It moisturizes leaving subtle lips and helps in giving a nice shine on the lips. You can also mix 1 tbsp of honey, two tbsp of sugar and one tbsp of olive oil and rub on lips. Leave for sometime and then wipe off.
  1. Another perfect soft lips remedy is applying vitamin E on the lips before sleeping. These are available in form of tiny capsules. They help hydrate the lips making them soft.
  1. Eat fruits and vegetables that are red in color. For example, Tomatoes, Strawberries as they help deposit the color in the skin making lips pink.
  1. Some studies show that decreasing your tea and coffee intake might result in pink soft lips
  1. Hyper pigmentation caused during pregnancy or illness will go away with time. Sometimes it’s hormonal also.
  1. Pigmentation not only on the lips but also on the face and body is determined by genes. Hence there is many things you can do to make your lips pink.
  1. Lips tend to darken due to exposure to the sun. Use a balm with SPF 15. Make sure to wear lip protection when going outdoors. Many Lipsticks and Lip glosses also contain SPF 15.
  1. If you are prone to bite your lips when you are tensed, try to take a chewing gum to overcome the oral fixation. Biting your lips can make them dry and cracked.
  1. Avoid licking your lips. Wetting them with saliva can lead to dryness and darkening of the lips.
  1. Aloevera is another best remedy that is extremely soothes the lips and protects from sun’s harsh heat.

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